Fussball 86 is the official sticker collection of the German football for the 1985/1986 season. It includes all the clubs of the Bundesliga and Second Bundesliga. In addition, there is a poster with the team photo stickers of the Bundesliga clubs. Each team photo is composed by two stickers, for a total of 36 stickers completing the poster (M1 - M36).
The album starts with the Bundesliga clubs in alphabetical order. For each club there are 17 stickers displaced over two pages: the metallic club badge and 16 players. After the last Bundesliga club, there are two pages with 16 stickers of additional Bundesliga players that could not find space in the club pages. Here we find also four stickers of German players abroad: Briegel (Verona), Rumenigge (Inter), Schuster (Barcelona), Stielike (Neuchatel).
Before the 2.Bundesliga, there are two pages with 18 cartoon stickers about funny situations in the stadium (Spass im Stadion). The 20 clubs of the Second Bundesliga are then shown in alphabetical order with three stickers per club: the badge and the team photo (two stickers). The album ends with no more sections with stickers.
Back cover of the album
The large poster with the team photo stickers included with this collection
Andy Brehme and Lothar Matthaus both played for FC Inter from 1988 to 1992
The stickers of Rumenigge (FC Inter) and Klinsmann, who played for Inter from 1989 to 1992.
Album details:
Full name: Fussball 86
Publisher: Panini
League: German (1.Bundesliga and 2.Bundesliga)
Season: 1985/86
Number of clubs and stickers per club:
- 1.Bundesliga (18 clubs, 17 stickers)
- 2.Bundesliga (20 clubs, 3 stickers)
Other sections:
- Weitere Spieler der Bundesliga (Other Bundesliga players, 14 stickers)
- Deutsche Spieler in Ausland (German players abroad, 4 stickers)
- Cartoons (Fun in the stadium, 18 stickers)
Extra: Poster - Bundesliga team photos (36 stickers)
Checklist: click here
Total number of stickers: 438
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